Monday Musings 11 March: In the pursuit of JOY…

After a little reassessment at the close of last year and feeling like I had a lack of it, I decided to choose the word JOY for my word of the year. So, how is it going so far? Really well. Historically, I have often chosen a word that was more action based, but choosing an emotion feels more like honouring a way of being rather than adding something to the never-ending to-do list.

Dr Rangan Chatterbee, in conversation with Gemma Newton, talks about setting intentions for the day, and finding a mindful way of being – whether that is being joyful, compassionate or grateful, and asking the question of ‘What can I do today that will honour that value?’

Joy is intentional. Sometimes we need to step back and question whether something brings joy, and if does not, how it can be made more joyful. My recipe for joy includes nature, my dogs, friends and family, belly laughs, music, dancing, movement, creative work (thankfully, I have that), and making a difference. I can bring in elements of each of these into my life every day.

A recent Tourism Review article stated that the uncertainty in the world has taken a toll on people’s mental health and that nowadays, people seek daily doses of happiness to brighten their lives. “Brands that can add touchpoints of joy and happiness to their campaigns will be able to build stronger connections with their customers, according to experts. These distractions often leave a lasting impact and improve the brand’s perception and customer relations.”

This speaks to the travel trend of connecting with others, the growth in adventure tourism, and the interest in sustainability that conveys a sense of purpose in what we do – these are all part of the ways in which we spread joy in travel.

What brought me joy the last couple of months? Spending time with loved ones, old and new friends, and family. I have even planned some advance joy and booked a ticket for later this year to spend time with my family in Durban.

After all, it is in relationships that we experience joy – those belly laughs are intoxicating! The wonderful thing about joy is that it is infectious, spilling over to others. One of the key reasons those of us in the travel world stay the course – the people we meet and grow to love along the way, and the joy extended when we reconnect.

This is also one of the main reasons I personally love going to World Travel Market Africa, to see all the wonderful people in travel that I know. So watch out all: I will be coming in for some hugs soon and spreading some joy!

Mindful Musings

Monday Musings 11 March: In the pursuit of JOY… 1

What the world was musing over this past week

Monday Musings 11 March: In the pursuit of JOY… 2

Happy as a pig in art

Pigcasso made her impact on the world touching hearts with her art and in the process raising R18million that supported other rescue animals. Her recent passing reminds us of the joy this special pig brought.

Photo credit: Farm Sanctuary SA

Monday Musings 11 March: In the pursuit of JOY… 3

Marine moments

Art continues to bring people together and instil pride in Mitchell’s Plein with the marine mural of Rizah Potgieter brightening up the neighbourhood.

Photo Credit: Rodney Durso

Monday Musings 11 March: In the pursuit of JOY… 4

Time for tea

Nothing like a calming cup of tea for a little moment of joy. If you are more a teetotaller, then these tea tours in the Western Cape will make your day.

Monday Musings 11 March: In the pursuit of JOY… 5

And the Oscar goes to…

Some of you may have an Oscar party hangover if you have stayed up to watch all the action. In its 96th year, the Academy Awards remain the pinnacle of achievement in the world for big screen talent.